Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Why Having Kids Is Your Worst Decision?

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I hear so many people talk about how horrible kids are. They love to hold them, play with them but then are thrilled to give them back to their parents. When someone asks you, "When are you having kids?" You scoff and make a sour face at them as if kids were some type of disease.

Well those people are obviously right and here are ten reasons why having kids is the worst decision you will ever make in your life.

1. The Cuddles

Who in the world wants cuddles? I know I hate cuddles. The hugs, the kisses. Yuck! Especially when you're having a bad day and your son or daughter waddles over to you and gives you a big slobbery kiss. That smile that emerges on your face after getting one of those kisses, well that's just a horrible thing to get. Who wants to smile these days?

2. The Handmade crafts

I would never put up my own kids' handmade craft on my fridge. They're ugly and they ruin the entire decor of my house. They scribble outside the lines, their grammar is horrifying and the "I love mommy" scribble on it is sickening.

3. Their laughs

Hearing that screeching giggle of theirs hurts my ears and will pop my ear drums one day, thus requiring me to buy hearing aides. Ugh, more money down the drain!

4. The funny moments

Those moments where they just make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and tears are running down your cheeks, those are the moments no one wants to experience.

5. The Playdates.

The playdates where your children and you get to hang out with your friends and their kids? Nah, being a loner is a much better way of life. Don't have kids, don't have friends and then you won't have to have playdates.

6. The Holidays.

If you have children, instead of being able to do whatever you want, you'll now have to spend it with your kid. Halloween, you'll have to take them trick or treating, for Christmas, you now have to pretend there's a Santa. Isn't that such crap? Nobody likes Santa anymore, that fad is obviously over.

7. Your Weekends

No more going out. Not even once. Forget about friends and the bar. Just forget about it. I said forget about it.

8. Traveling.

You can't possibly travel with kids, let alone a baby. They're free flying until they're two, so you'd have to have them on your lap. Not to mention the plethora of stuff you'd have to bring just for them to be happy while you're on vacation. Your trip costs ten times more now that they're coming along. You can't possibly have any fun traveling with kids. They'll just slow you down.

9. Having Fun.

Once you have a kid, it's all about responsibility and you never get to have any fun. All you have time for are baby bottles and bills.

10. Last but not least, Love.

The love you have for your child is a rare love. It is an unbreakable bond. The love starts small from when they're just a pink strip on a pregnancy test and grows bigger than you could ever imagine. That love is too powerful for some people. There is nothing wrong with people who don't want kids. But, people who scoff at the mom whose child is throwing a tantrum in the grocery store, or the man who is annoyed with the little boy who just wants to keep asking him questions, those people should take another look at what it truly means to be a parent. Yes, you'll have a few less bar nights, but you'll have a bigger love than you ever expected. I still have a night out on the town with my girls every now and than, but most of the time I'd rather be spending time with my kick ass daughter. And why not?! After all, she is apart of who I am, which is a miracle in itself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_R_Gonzalez

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